
Calling all Moderators! The following information is important for you to know. This information will assist you in planning and preparing for your technical session, what will be provided in each technical session room and any steps you need to take in advance. Thank you for agreeing to be a Technical Session Moderator and we hope this information is helpful.

Important Points:

Advanced Preparation

In order to hold a smooth technical session, there are a few items that should be done in advance. Download and read the Moderator Guidelines for helpful tips and information about being a Moderator.

Check In On-site

All Presenters and Moderators are required to check-in at the Symposium Registration Desk onsite and to initial the Official Final Program; next to their name in the program, include either a cell phone number or a hotel room number.

As a Moderator, please check this program prior to your session to see if all of your presenters have arrived at the Symposium. Please also leave your cell phone number or a method to contact you on-site in the Official Final Program.

During Your Technical Session

When you arrive at your Technical Session a Volunteer will be there to assist you and will have a few items for your session, such as:

Please be sure to receive these items prior to the start of your technical session. The Moderator Session Report is especially important to complete.

The time cards are available for you to use as a method of telling your presenters how much time they have remaining in their presentation. These are a useful tool for the presenters and you should explain how they will be used prior to the session beginning.

Presenter Preparation Room

A room will be available on a first come basis and will be equipped with an LCD projector and screen for any presenter to practice their presentation prior to their scheduled technical session. The location of this room will be announced in the Final Program that will be included with the on-site registration materials you receive when you check in at the Symposium Registration Desk.

For any questions regarding the technical sessions, please contact the Technical Program Chairs.